Shell Shockers
Water Wars
Water Wars

Water Wars

Overview of Water Wars

In the fantastic multiplayer ship game Water Wars, you must cooperate with your teammates in a titanic capture-the-flag conflict. Protect your own water base while sneaking into your foe's. Prepare to engage in combat out at sea. Try to win the Water Wars by using strategy and collaboration to take the flag as many times as you can!

Graphics and gameplay

Excellent visuals may be seen in water battles. Each team gets a combat station that they must protect, and the maps are stunning. An attempt will be made by the other team to take the flag from your base. While defending it, make an effort to seize the other flag.

The lethal water pistols on your high-tech jet ski shoot explosive bullets. Make use of these to defeat your adversaries and prevent them from seizing your flag. Use the boost on your jet ski as well, don't forget. 


You may make your own lobby and select which maps to play in this water battles game. alternatively, you may enter an active room and join it. This enables you to participate in cooperative multiplayer combat with pals.




Using Mouse


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